Residential land for sale
Beach Road, Ningo Prampram District, Accra
Enjoy free pre land registration, free corner walls construction or pillars construction, free documentation (site plan & indenture), free building permit assistance on any plots you buy. all plots are well demarcated, good roads, water and 24hours security. call for more discounts on low cost and luxurious lands @ prampram with fully registered document. locate the land in a fast developing community just 10 minutes away from prampram junction and 2-3 minute drive from the main road. the community has easy access to good roads, electricity and water. hospitals, schools, availability of banks, atm machines, police station and fire service station. rush for yours now!!!!!!!
kindly call or whatsapp miss naa 0576880888 for more details or visit our office at prampram beach la...
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Axe Real Estate